"New Horizons" is committed to the mission of catalyzing the process of internet-ization for the Great Indian Tomorrow.
The process of internet-ization demands, creation of awareness and proliferation of information in the industry as well as households. It requires to convince the marketing personnel of the industry that Internet can prove to be a fantastic marketing media and the fastest resource for communication.
"New Horizons" is set to achieve the mission of creating awareness about Internet's potential in information access, communication and marketing. With its affiliation with Verio - world's no. 1 web hosting company; it is set to offer cost effective and best quality websites / webspace to the industry. It has set the mission of nurturing professionals for today's competitive world
"New Horizons" endeavor in pursuit of achieving this mission is blended with thorough and never-ending study of the needs of industry, software professionals as well as thorough understanding of social responsibilities on "New Horizons" as an organization.
We have ensured that we, on the way of achieving this mission, are equipped with: 1) excellent infrastructure, 2) experienced and trained professionals, 3) sophisticated technologies, 3) fair HR policies, 4 transparent accounting practices, 5) ethical marketing practices, and most importantly; the spirit of doing everything for good cause.
"New Horizons" on this mission' commands 'no entry' to complacency in our being instrumental to achieving this mission.